AEU and CSEA met today for our first day of successor negotiations. During AEU’s review of our initial proposal, the employer had many questions about the financial viability of our proposals. The Executive Director prefaced their proposal with his opinion of where the state of the Association is, in light of COVID-19. The Executive Director’s statement is attached below.
The path forward to a life-altering contract is unclear and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are still unknown, especially how it will impact our State, schools, and members' economic future.
While the employer was not prepared to discuss economic proposals today, we still had a productive day by signing a Tentative Agreement on the articles both sides agreed to not open. The signed TA is attached below. Also, CSEA did provide AEU with a counter to AEU’s initial proposal, which is attached below.
During our initial proposal meeting, the members expressed interest in adding the holiday, Indigenous Peoples’ Day (formally known as Columbus Day). During our course of negotiations, the employer was not open to giving an additional holiday but was willing to move Lincoln’s birthday from February to October to account for Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Please take a minute and complete this survey, if you support the moving of holidays from February to October to honor Indigenous Peoples’ Day.